Craig K. Ewart

Psychology Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States 
Social Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology
"Craig Ewart"
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Dykas MJ, Goplen J, Ewart CK, et al. (2020) Early Adolescents’ Risk Taking Propensity, Urban Stress, and Affiliation With Risky Peers: Journal of Early Adolescence. 27243162093919
Maisto SA, Xie FC, Witkiewitz K, et al. (2017) How Chronic Self-Regulatory Stress, Poor Anger Regulation, and Momentary Affect Undermine Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder: Integrating Social Action Theory with the Dynamic Model of Relapse Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 36: 238-263
Ewart CK, Elder GJ, Jorgensen RS, et al. (2016) The Role of Agonistic Striving in the Association Between Cortisol and High Blood Pressure. Psychosomatic Medicine
Park A, Kim J, Zaso MJ, et al. (2016) The interaction between the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) variable number tandem repeat polymorphism and perceived peer drinking norms in adolescent alcohol use and misuse. Development and Psychopathology. 1-11
Maisto SA, Ewart CK, Witkiewitz K, et al. (2016) Predicting Drinking Lapses in Alcohol Use Disorder: The Toxic Combination of Agonistic Striving and Poor Anger Regulation Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 35: 235-254
Ewart CK, Elder GJ, Laird KT, et al. (2014) Can agonistic striving lead to unexplained illness? Implicit goals, pain tolerance, and somatic symptoms in adolescents and adults. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 33: 977-85
Ewart CK, Elder GJ, Smyth JM. (2014) How neighborhood disorder increases blood pressure in youth: agonistic striving and subordination. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 37: 113-26
Ewart CK, Elder GJ, Smyth JM. (2012) How implicit motives and everyday self-regulatory abilities shape cardiovascular risk in youth. Annals of Behavioral Medicine : a Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. 43: 286-98
Ewart CK, Elder GJ, Smyth JM, et al. (2011) Do agonistic motives matter more than anger? Three studies of cardiovascular risk in adolescents. Health Psychology : Official Journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association. 30: 510-24
Reynolds EK, Magidson JF, Bornovalova MA, et al. (2010) Application of the social action theory to understand factors associated with risky sexual behavior among individuals in residential substance abuse treatment. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 24: 311-21
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