Barry E. Guitar

Psychology The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College 
Cognitive Psychology, Speech Pathology, Speech Communication, Psychobiology Psychology, Neuroscience Biology
"Barry Guitar"
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Guitar B, Kazenski D, Howard A, et al. (2015) Predicting Treatment Time and Long-Term Outcome of the Lidcombe Program: A Replication and Reanalysis. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology / American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. 24: 533-44
Kazenski D, Guitar B, McCauley R, et al. (2014) Stuttering severity and responses to social-communicative challenge in preschool-age children who stutter Speech, Language and Hearing. 17: 142-152
Sussman HM, Byrd CT, Guitar B. (2011) The integrity of anticipatory coarticulation in fluent and non-fluent tokens of adults who stutter. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 25: 169-86
Miller B, Guitar B. (2009) Long-Term Outcome of the Lidcombe Program for Early Stuttering Intervention American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 18: 42-49
Guitar B. (2003) Acoustic startle responses and temperament in individuals who stutter. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research. 46: 233-240
Guitar B, Marchinkoski L. (2001) Influence of Mothers’ Slower Speech on Their Children’s Speech Rate Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research. 44: 853-861
Winslow M, Guitar B. (1994) The Effects of Structured Turn-Taking on Disfluencies Language Speech and Hearing Services in Schools. 25: 251-257
Conture EG, Guitar BE. (1993) Evaluating efficacy of treatment of stuttering: School-age children Journal of Fluency Disorders. 18: 253-287
Guitar B, Schaefer HK, Donahue-Kilburg G, et al. (1992) Parent verbal interactions and speech rate: a case study in stuttering. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research. 35: 742-754
Kramer MB, Green D, Guitar B. (1987) A comparison of stutterers and nonstutterers on masking level differences and synthetic sentence identification tasks. Journal of Communication Disorders. 20: 379-390
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