Joan Peskin

Human Development and Applied Psychology University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Joan Peskin"
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Peskin J, Comay J, Chen X, et al. (2016) Does Theory of Mind in Pre-kindergarten Predict the Ability to Think About a Reader’s Mind in Elementary School Compositions? A Longitudinal Study Journal of Cognition and Development. 17: 396-417
Waugh C, Peskin J. (2015) Improving the Social Skills of Children with HFASD: An Intervention Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 45: 2961-80
Bischoff T, Peskin J. (2014) Do fiction writers have superior perspective taking ability The Scientific Study of Literature. 4: 125-149
Peskin J, Prusky C, Comay J. (2014) Keeping the reader's mind in mind: Development of perspective-taking in children's dictations Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 35: 35-43
Grossman M, Peskin J, San Juan V. (2013) Thinking about a reader's mind: fostering communicative clarity in the compositions of youth with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 43: 2376-92
Peskin J, Wells-Jopling R. (2012) Fostering symbolic interpretation during adolescence Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 33: 13-23
Mar RA, Peskin J, Fong K. (2011) Literary arts and the development of the life story. New Directions For Child and Adolescent Development. 2011: 73-84
Peskin J. (2010) The development of poetic literacy during the school years Discourse Processes. 47: 77-103
Peskin J. (2007) The genre of poetry: secondary school students' conventional expectations and interpretive operations English in Education. 41: 20-36
Peskin J, Astington JW. (2004) The effects of adding metacognitive language to story texts Cognitive Development. 19: 253-273
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