Margaret Crossley
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada |
Cognitive Psychology, Gerontology, Native American Studies, Experimental PsychologyGoogle:
"Margaret Crossley"Mean distance: 26716.5
Sign in to add traineeMichelle F. Shaw | grad student | 2003 | University of Saskatchewan |
Shawnda Lanting | grad student | 2011 | University of Saskatchewan |
Jocelyn L. Poock | grad student | 2012 | University of Saskatchewan |
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Kosteniuk JG, Morgan DG, O'Connell ME, et al. (2016) Simultaneous temporal trends in dementia incidence and prevalence, 2005-2013: a population-based retrospective cohort study in Saskatchewan, Canada. International Psychogeriatrics / Ipa. 1-16 |
Kosteniuk JG, Morgan DG, O'Connell ME, et al. (2015) Incidence and prevalence of dementia in linked administrative health data in Saskatchewan, Canada: a retrospective cohort study. Bmc Geriatrics. 15: 73 |
Morgan D, Crossley M, Stewart N, et al. (2014) Evolution of a community-based participatory approach in a rural and remote dementia care research program. Progress in Community Health Partnerships : Research, Education, and Action. 8: 337-45 |
Kosteniuk JG, Morgan DG, O'Connell ME, et al. (2014) Prevalence and covariates of elevated depressive symptoms in rural memory clinic patients with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra. 4: 209-20 |
Dal Bello-Haas VP, O'Connell ME, Morgan DG, et al. (2014) Lessons learned: feasibility and acceptability of a telehealth-delivered exercise intervention for rural-dwelling individuals with dementia and their caregivers. Rural and Remote Health. 14: 2715 |
Morgan DG, Walls-Ingram S, Cammer A, et al. (2014) Informal caregivers' hopes and expectations of a referral to a memory clinic. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 102: 111-8 |
O'Connell ME, Dal Bello-Haas V, Crossley M, et al. (2014) Clinical correlates of awareness for balance, function, and memory: evidence for the modality specificity of awareness. Journal of Aging Research. 2014: 674716 |
O'Connell ME, Crossley M, Cammer A, et al. (2014) Development and evaluation of a telehealth videoconferenced support group for rural spouses of individuals diagnosed with atypical early-onset dementias. Dementia (London, England). 13: 382-95 |
Hatala AR, Waldram JB, Crossley M. (2013) Doing resilience with "half a brain:" navigating moral sensibilities 35 years after hemispherectomy. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. 37: 148-78 |
Morgan DG, Crossley M, Kirk A, et al. (2011) Evaluation of Telehealth for Preclinic Assessment and Follow-Up in an Interprofessional Rural and Remote Memory Clinic. Journal of Applied Gerontology : the Official Journal of the Southern Gerontological Society. 30: 304-331 |