Andrew Stockman, Ph.D.

University College London, London, United Kingdom 
vision, color science
"Andrew Stockman"
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Stockman A, Rider AT. (2023) Formulae for generating standard and individual human cone spectral sensitivities. Color Research and Application. 48: 818-840
Rider AT, Henning GB, Stockman A. (2019) Light adaptation controls visual sensitivity by adjusting the speed and gain of the response to light. Plos One. 14: e0220358
Stockman A. (2019) Cone fundamentals and CIE standards Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 30: 87-93
Stockman A, Henning GB, Smithson HE, et al. (2018) Delayed S-cone sensitivity losses following the onset of intense yellow backgrounds linked to the lifetime of a photobleaching product? Journal of Vision. 18: 12
Conway BR, Eskew RT, Martin PR, et al. (2018) A tour of contemporary color vision research. Vision Research
Rider AT, Henning GB, Eskew RT, et al. (2018) Harmonics added to a flickering light can upset the balance between ON and OFF pathways to produce illusory colors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Stockman A, Henning GB, Anwar S, et al. (2018) Delayed cone-opponent signals in the luminance pathway. Journal of Vision. 18: 6
Rider A, Henning B, Eskew Jr. R, et al. (2018) Illusory colors from harmonic combinations: an unexpected consequence of ON and OFF pathways Journal of Vision. 18: 361
Stockman A, Henning GB, Rider AT. (2017) Linear-nonlinear models of the red-green chromatic pathway. Journal of Vision. 17: 7
Stockman A, Henning GB, West P, et al. (2017) Hue shifts produced by temporal asymmetries in chromatic signals depend on the alignment of the first and second harmonics. Journal of Vision. 17: 3
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