Ben D. Amsel, Ph.D.

2011 Psychology University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Cognitive Psychology
"Ben Amsel"
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George Cree grad student 2011 University of Toronto
 (Semantic Feature Type Constrains the Organization and Computation of Concrete Conceptual Knowledge.)
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Amsel BD, Kutas M, Coulson S. (2017) Projectors, Associators, Visual Imagery, and the Time Course of Visual Processing in Grapheme-Color Synesthesia. Cognitive Neuroscience
Amsel BD, DeLong KA, Kutas M. (2015) Close, but no garlic: Perceptuomotor and event knowledge activation during language comprehension. Journal of Memory and Language. 82: 118-132
Forgács B, Bardolph MD, Amsel BD, et al. (2015) Metaphors are physical and abstract: ERPs to metaphorically modified nouns resemble ERPs to abstract language. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9: 28
Amsel BD, Urbach TP, Kutas M. (2014) Empirically grounding grounded cognition: the case of color. Neuroimage. 99: 149-57
Amsel BD, Urbach TP, Kutas M. (2013) Alive and grasping: stable and rapid semantic access to an object category but not object graspability. Neuroimage. 77: 1-13
Amsel BD, Cree GS. (2013) Semantic richness, concreteness, and object domain: an electrophysiological study. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne De Psychologie ExpéRimentale. 67: 117-29
Amsel BD, Urbach TP, Kutas M. (2012) Perceptual and motor attribute ratings for 559 object concepts. Behavior Research Methods. 44: 1028-41
Amsel BD. (2011) Tracking real-time neural activation of conceptual knowledge using single-trial event-related potentials. Neuropsychologia. 49: 970-83
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