Nicholas A. Hazel, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA |
Clinical PsychologyGoogle:
"Nicholas Hazel"Mean distance: 12572.5
Sign in to add mentorConstance L. Hammen | grad student | 2010 | UCLA | |
(Pathways from Early Adversity to Emotional Reactivity: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study of Stress Exposure and Affective Experience in Young Adulthood.) |
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Technow JR, Hazel NA, Abela JR, et al. (2015) Stress sensitivity interacts with depression history to predict depressive symptoms among youth: prospective changes following first depression onset. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 43: 489-501 |
Hazel NA, Hankin BL. (2014) A Trait-State-Error Model of Adult Hassles Over Two Years: Magnitude, Sources, and Predictors of Stress Continuity. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 33: 103-123 |
Hazel NA, Oppenheimer CW, Technow JR, et al. (2014) Parent relationship quality buffers against the effect of peer stressors on depressive symptoms from middle childhood to adolescence. Developmental Psychology. 50: 2115-23 |
Steca P, Abela JR, Monzani D, et al. (2014) Cognitive vulnerability to depressive symptoms in children: the protective role of self-efficacy beliefs in a multi-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 42: 137-48 |
Cohen JR, Hankin BL, Gibb BE, et al. (2013) Negative attachment cognitions and emotional distress in mainland Chinese adolescents: a prospective multiwave test of vulnerability-stress and stress generation models. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 42: 531-44 |
Dienes KA, Hazel NA, Hammen CL. (2013) Cortisol secretion in depressed, and at-risk adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 38: 927-40 |
Hammen C, Hazel NA, Brennan PA, et al. (2012) Intergenerational transmission and continuity of stress and depression: Depressed women and their offspring in 20 years of follow-up Psychological Medicine. 42: 931-942 |
Espejo EP, Ferriter CT, Hazel NA, et al. (2011) Predictors of subjective ratings of stressor severity: The effects of current mood and neuroticism Stress and Health. 27: 23-33 |
Hammen C, Brennan PA, Keenan-Miller D, et al. (2010) Chronic and acute stress, gender, and serotonin transporter gene-environment interactions predicting depression symptoms in youth. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. 51: 180-7 |
Hazel NA, Hammen C, Brennan PA, et al. (2008) Early childhood adversity and adolescent depression: The mediating role of continued stress Psychological Medicine. 38: 581-589 |