Sonia K. Kang, Ph.D.

2010 Psychology University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Social Psychology
"Sonia Kang"
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Alison Chasteen grad student 2010 University of Toronto
 (Beyond the double jeopardy hypothesis: Examining the interaction between age- and race-based stereotypes across the lifespan.)
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He J, Kang S, Lacetera N. (2019) Leaning In or Not Leaning Out? Opt-Out Choice Framing Attenuates Gender Differences in the Decision to Compete National Bureau of Economic Research
He JC, Kang SK, Tse K, et al. (2019) Stereotypes at work: Occupational stereotypes predict race and gender segregation in the workforce Journal of Vocational Behavior. 115: 103318
Apfelbaum EP, Grunberg R, Halevy N, et al. (2017) From ignorance to intolerance: Perceived intentionality of racial discrimination shapes preferences for colorblindness versus multiculturalism Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 69: 86-101
Kang SK, DeCelles KA, Tilcsik A, et al. (2016) Whitened Résumés: Race and Self-Presentation in the Labor Market Administrative Science Quarterly. 61: 469-502
Hirsh JB, Kang SK. (2015) Mechanisms of Identity Conflict: Uncertainty, Anxiety, and the Behavioral Inhibition System. Personality and Social Psychology Review : An Official Journal of the Society For Personality and Social Psychology, Inc
Kang SK, Plaks JE, Remedios JD. (2015) Folk beliefs about genetic variation predict avoidance of biracial individuals. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 357
Kang SK, Bodenhausen GV. (2015) Multiple identities in social perception and interaction: challenges and opportunities. Annual Review of Psychology. 66: 547-74
Kang SK, Chasteen AL, Cadieux J, et al. (2014) Comparing young and older adults' perceptions of conflicting stereotypes and multiply-categorizable individuals. Psychology and Aging. 29: 469-81
Hirsh JB, Kang SK, Bodenhausen GV. (2012) Personalized persuasion: tailoring persuasive appeals to recipients' personality traits. Psychological Science. 23: 578-81
Chasteen AL, Kang SK, Remedios JD. (2012) Aging and Stereotype Threat: Development, Process, and Interventions Stereotype Threat: Theory, Process, and Application
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