Michael E. Shinder, Ph.D.

2003 University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX 
Neuroscience Biology
"Michael Shinder"
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Adrian A. Perachio grad student 2003 UTMB
 (Emergent interregional and network properties of the vestibular system.)
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Grieves RM, Shinder ME, Rosow LK, et al. (2022) The Neural Correlates of Spatial Disorientation in Head Direction Cells. Eneuro. 9
Taube JS, Shinder ME. (2020) On the absence or presence of 3D tuned head direction cells in rats: a review and rebuttal. Journal of Neurophysiology. 123: 1808-1827
Shinder ME, Taube JS. (2019) Three-dimensional tuning of head direction cells in rats. Journal of Neurophysiology. 121: 4-37
Shinder ME, Taube JS. (2014) Resolving the active versus passive conundrum for head direction cells. Neuroscience. 270: 123-38
Shinder ME, Newlands SD. (2014) Sensory convergence in the parieto-insular vestibular cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 111: 2445-64
Shinder ME, Taube JS. (2014) Self-motion improves head direction cell tuning. Journal of Neurophysiology. 111: 2479-92
Shinder ME, Taube JS. (2011) Active and passive movement are encoded equally by head direction cells in the anterodorsal thalamus. Journal of Neurophysiology. 106: 788-800
Yoder RM, Clark BJ, Brown JE, et al. (2011) Both visual and idiothetic cues contribute to head direction cell stability during navigation along complex routes. Journal of Neurophysiology. 105: 2989-3001
Shinder ME, Taube JS. (2010) Differentiating ascending vestibular pathways to the cortex involved in spatial cognition. Journal of Vestibular Research : Equilibrium & Orientation. 20: 3-23
Shinder ME, Perachio AA, Kaufman GD. (2005) Fos responses to short-term adaptation of the horizontal vestibuloocular reflex before and after vestibular compensation in the Mongolian gerbil. Brain Research. 1050: 79-93
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