Ludovic Denoyer

LIP6 UPMC Univ Paris 06, France 
"Ludovic Denoyer"
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Wang Q, Artières T, Chen M, et al. (2020) Adversarial learning for modeling human motion The Visual Computer. 36: 141-160
Delasalles E, Ziat A, Denoyer L, et al. (2019) Spatio-temporal neural networks for space-time data modeling and relation discovery Knowledge and Information Systems. 61: 1241-1267
Santos LD, Piwowarski B, Denoyer L, et al. (2018) Representation Learning for Classification in Heterogeneous Graphs with Application to Social Networks Acm Transactions On Knowledge Discovery From Data. 12: 1-33
Gisselbrecht T, Denoyer L, Gallinari P, et al. (2015) Real-time learning for the collection of information in social networks Coria 2015 - Conference in Search Infomations and Applications - 12th French Information Retrieval Conference. 7-22
Ziat A, Contardo G, Baskiotis N, et al. (2015) Car-traffic forecasting: A representation learning approach Ceur Workshop Proceedings. 1392: 85-87
Maag ML, Denoyer L, Gallinari P. (2014) Graph anonymization using machine learning Proceedings - International Conference On Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Aina. 1111-1118
Gao S, Denoyer L, Gallinari P. (2012) Temporal link prediction using content and structure Ingenierie Des Systemes D'Information. 17: 75-90
Gao S, Denoyer L, Gallinari P, et al. (2012) Probabilistic latent tensor factorization model for link pattern prediction in multi-relational networks Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications. 19: 172-181
Peters S, Jacob Y, Denoyer L, et al. (2012) Iterative Multi-label Multi-relational Classification Algorithm for complex social networks Social Network Analysis and Mining. 2: 17-29
Dulac-Arnold G, Denoyer L, Preux P, et al. (2012) Sequential approaches for learning datum-wise sparse representations Machine Learning. 89: 87-122
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