Steven C. Chamberlain
Affiliations: | Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, United States |
Neuroscience Biology, Biomedical EngineeringGoogle:
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Chamberlain SC, Walter MR. (2020) Collector’s Note: Balmat Mining District Update, St. Lawrence County, New York Rocks & Minerals. 95: 463-466 |
Bailey DG, Lupulescu MV, Darling RS, et al. (2019) A Review of Boron-Bearing Minerals (Excluding Tourmaline) in the Adirondack Region of New York State Minerals. 9: 644 |
Chamberlain SC, Lupulescu MV, Bailey DG. (2019) Mineralogy of Chub Lake-Type Hematite Deposits in St. Lawrence County, NY Minerals. 9: 567 |
Chiarenzelli JR, Lupulescu M, Robinson GW, et al. (2019) Rose Road Localities: Town of Pitcairn, St. Lawrence County, New York Part 2—Geology Rocks & Minerals. 94: 540-554 |
Chamberlain SC, Robinson GW, Robinson S, et al. (2018) The Rose Road Localities, Town of Pitcairn, St. Lawrence County, New York: Part 1—History Rocks & Minerals. 93: 442-453 |
Chamberlain SC, Carlin DM, Walter MR, et al. (2018) Pyrites Mica Mine (Kelly Farm), Town of Canton, St. Lawrence County, New York Rocks & Minerals. 93: 337-345 |
Renninger GH, Kass L, Gleeson RA, et al. (2017) Sulfide as a Chemical Stimulus for Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Shrimp. The Biological Bulletin. 189: 69-76 |
Chamberlain SC, Walter MR. (2017) Road-Cut Mineral Occurrences of St. Lawrence County, New York, Part 8: A Final Summary Rocks & Minerals. 92: 556-563 |
Walter MR, Chamberlain SC. (2017) Road-Cut Mineral Occurrences of St. Lawrence County New York, Part 7: Lead Mine Road Gash Veins Rocks & Minerals. 92: 358-365 |
Hatipo?lu M, Chamberlain SC, Kibici Y. (2013) Characterization of the Sündikendaǧi{dotless} deposit of moganite-rich, blue chalcedony nodules, Mayi{dotless}slar-Sari{dotless}cakaya (Eskişehir), Turkey Ore Geology Reviews. 54: 127-137 |