Cyril R. Latimer

University of Sydney, Camperdown, New South Wales, Australia 
Experimental Psychology
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Joung W, Latimer C. (2003) Tilt aftereffects generated by symmetrical dot patterns with two or four axes of symmetry. Spatial Vision. 16: 155-182
Latimer C, Smith S, Buckingham R, et al. (2002) Physical and psychophysical measures of the distinctiveness of Australian banknotes Australian Journal of Psychology. 54: 150-156
Latimer C, Stevens C, Irish M, et al. (2000) Attentional biases in geometric form perception. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. a, Human Experimental Psychology. 53: 765-91
Joung W, van der Zwan R, Latimer CR. (2000) Tilt aftereffects generated by bilaterally symmetrical patterns. Spatial Vision. 13: 107-28
Latimer C. (1999) Is there more to visual attention than meets the eye Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 22: 690-691
van der Zwan R, Leo E, Joung W, et al. (1998) Evidence that both area V1 and extrastriate visual cortex contribute to symmetry perception. Current Biology : Cb. 8: 889-92
Stevens C, Latimer C. (1997) Music Recognition: An Illustrative Application of a Connectionist Model Psychology of Music. 25: 161-185
Beh HC, Latimer CR. (1997) Symmetry detection and orientation perception: Electrocortical responses to stimuli with real and implicit axes of orientation Australian Journal of Psychology. 49: 128-133
Latimer C, Joung W, Stevens C. (1994) Modelling symmetry detection with back-propagation networks Spatial Vision. 8: 415-431
Stevens CJ, Latimer C. (1992) A comparison of connectionist models of music recognition and human performance Minds and Machines. 2: 379-400
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