Patricia K. Sonsalla
Affiliations: | Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States |
Neuroscience Biology, ToxicologyGoogle:
"Patricia Sonsalla"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add traineeRoland G. Staal | grad student | 2000 | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
Lily Y. Moy | grad student | 2001 | Rutgers, New Brunswick |
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Sonsalla PK, Coleman C, Wong LY, et al. (2013) The angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor captopril protects nigrostriatal dopamine neurons in animal models of parkinsonism. Experimental Neurology. 250: 376-83 |
Lee KW, Im JY, Woo JM, et al. (2013) Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties of a coffee component in the MPTP model of Parkinson's disease. Neurotherapeutics : the Journal of the American Society For Experimental Neurotherapeutics. 10: 143-53 |
Sonsalla PK, Wong LY, Harris SL, et al. (2012) Delayed caffeine treatment prevents nigral dopamine neuron loss in a progressive rat model of Parkinson's disease. Experimental Neurology. 234: 482-7 |
Lee KW, Zhao X, Im JY, et al. (2012) Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 mediates MPTP toxicity and regulates glial activation. Plos One. 7: e29935 |
Sonsalla PK, Wong LY, Winnik B, et al. (2010) The antiepileptic drug zonisamide inhibits MAO-B and attenuates MPTP toxicity in mice: clinical relevance. Experimental Neurology. 221: 329-34 |
Sonsalla PK, Zeevalk GD, German DC. (2008) Chronic intraventricular administration of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium as a progressive model of Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 14: S116-8 |
Rocha MA, Crockett DP, Wong LY, et al. (2008) Na(+)/H(+) exchanger inhibition modifies dopamine neurotransmission during normal and metabolic stress conditions. Journal of Neurochemistry. 106: 231-43 |
Moy LY, Wang SP, Sonsalla PK. (2007) Mitochondrial stress-induced dopamine efflux and neuronal damage by malonate involves the dopamine transporter. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 320: 747-56 |
Zeevalk GD, Manzino L, Sonsalla PK, et al. (2007) Characterization of intracellular elevation of glutathione (GSH) with glutathione monoethyl ester and GSH in brain and neuronal cultures: Relevance to Parkinson's disease Experimental Neurology. 203: 512-520 |
Yazdani U, German DC, Liang CL, et al. (2006) Rat model of Parkinson's disease: chronic central delivery of 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+). Experimental Neurology. 200: 172-83 |