Tomoyuki Watanabe, Ph.D.

2001 Tufts University, Boston 
Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology
"Tomoyuki Watanabe"
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Salvatore Soraci grad student 2001 Tufts
 (The self -choice effect: Multiple -cue mechanisms at encoding and retrieval.)
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Watanabe T, Soraci SA. (2004) The self-choice effect from a multiple-cue perspective. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. 11: 168-72
Watanabe T. (2001) Effects of constrained choice on memory: The extension of the multiple-cue hypothesis to the self-choice effect Japanese Psychological Research. 43: 98-103
Soraci SA, Carlin MT, Chechile RA, et al. (1999) Encoding Variability and Cuing in Generative Processing Journal of Memory and Language. 41: 541-559
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