Kyong-Mee Chung, Ph.D.

2002 University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 
Clinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
"Kyong-Mee Chung"
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Mark D. Rapport grad student 2002 University of Hawai'i at Manoa
 (The continuous performance test: Separate and interactive effects of task and subject variables on children's vigilance.)
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Denney CB, Rapport MD, Chung KM. (2005) Interactions of task and subject variables among continuous performance tests. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines. 46: 420-35
Rapport MD, Denney CB, Chung KM, et al. (2001) Internalizing behavior problems and scholastic achievement in children: cognitive and behavioral pathways as mediators of outcome. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 30: 536-51
Rapport MD, Chung KM, Shore G, et al. (2001) A conceptual model of child psychopathology: implications for understanding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and treatment efficacy. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 30: 48-58
Rapport MD, Chung KM, Shore G, et al. (2000) Upgrading the science and technology of assessment and diagnosis: laboratory and clinic-based assessment of children with ADHD. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology. 29: 555-68
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