Olga Ortega-Martinez

Marin Ecology University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Västra Götalands län, Sweden 
Regeneration Amphiura filiformis
"Olga Ortega-Martinez"
Mean distance: 19.94 (cluster 11)
Cross-listing: Marine Ecology Tree

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Parey E, Ortega-Martinez O, Delroisse J, et al. (2024) The brittle star genome illuminates the genetic basis of animal appendage regeneration. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Ramachandra R, Namburi RB, Dupont ST, et al. (2017) A potential role for chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate in arm regeneration in Amphiura filiformis. Glycobiology
Dylus DV, Czarkwiani A, Stångberg J, et al. (2016) Large-scale gene expression study in the ophiuroid Amphiura filiformis provides insights into evolution of gene regulatory networks. Evodevo. 7: 2
Gabre JL, Martinez P, Nilsson Sköld H, et al. (2015) The coelomic epithelium transcriptome from a clonal sea star, Coscinasterias muricata. Marine Genomics
Delroisse J, Ortega-Martinez O, Dupont S, et al. (2015) De novo transcriptome of the European brittle star Amphiura filiformis pluteus larvae. Marine Genomics
Purushothaman S, Saxena S, Meghah V, et al. (2015) Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of Amphiura filiformis arm tissue-undergoing regeneration. Journal of Proteomics. 112: 113-24
Jutfelt F, Gräns A, Jönsson E, et al. (2014) Response to 'How and how not to investigate the oxygen and capacity limitation of thermal tolerance (OCLTT) and aerobic scope—remarks on the article by Gräns et al.'. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 217: 4433-5
Delroisse J, Ullrich-Lüter E, Ortega-Martinez O, et al. (2014) High opsin diversity in a non-visual infaunal brittle star. Bmc Genomics. 15: 1035
Telford MJ, Lowe CJ, Cameron CB, et al. (2014) Phylogenomic analysis of echinoderm class relationships supports Asterozoa. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 281
Hu MY, Casties I, Stumpp M, et al. (2014) Energy metabolism and regeneration are impaired by seawater acidification in the infaunal brittlestar Amphiura filiformis. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 217: 2411-21
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