François De Ribaupierre, M.D.

Institut de Physiologie Faculté de Médecine, Université de Lausanne 
"François De Ribaupierre"
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Villa AE, Tetko IV, Dutoit P, et al. (1999) Corticofugal modulation of functional connectivity within the auditory thalamus of rat, guinea pig and cat revealed by cooling deactivation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 86: 161-78
Bajo VM, Villa AE, de Ribaupierre F, et al. (1998) Discharge properties of single neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of the rat. Brain Research Bulletin. 47: 595-610
Bajo VM, Rouiller EM, Welker E, et al. (1995) Morphology and spatial distribution of corticothalamic terminals originating from the cat auditory cortex. Hearing Research. 83: 161-74
Clarke S, de Ribaupierre F, Bajo VM, et al. (1995) The auditory pathway in cat corpus callosum. Experimental Brain Research. 104: 534-40
Zurita P, Villa AE, de Ribaupierre Y, et al. (1994) Changes of single unit activity in the cat's auditory thalamus and cortex associated to different anesthetic conditions. Neuroscience Research. 19: 303-16
Clarke S, de Ribaupierre F, Rouiller EM, et al. (1993) Several neuronal and axonal types form long intrinsic connections in the cat primary auditory cortical field (AI). Anatomy and Embryology. 188: 117-38
Villa AE, Rouiller EM, Simm GM, et al. (1991) Corticofugal modulation of the information processing in the auditory thalamus of the cat. Experimental Brain Research. 86: 506-17
Rouiller EM, Simm GM, Villa AE, et al. (1991) Auditory corticocortical interconnections in the cat: evidence for parallel and hierarchical arrangement of the auditory cortical areas. Experimental Brain Research. 86: 483-505
Simm GM, de Ribaupierre F, de Ribaupierre Y, et al. (1990) Discharge properties of single units in auditory part of reticular nucleus of thalamus in cat. Journal of Neurophysiology. 63: 1010-21
Rouiller EM, de Ribaupierre F. (1990) Arborization of corticothalamic axons in the auditory thalamus of the cat: a PHA-L tracing study. Neuroscience Letters. 108: 29-35
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