Adam JB Tozer, PhD

Neurobiology MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
MNTB, CaV channels, nitric oxide, serotonin receptors, obesity, appetite
"Adam Tozer"
Mean distance: 14.77 (cluster 11)
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Branco T, Tozer A, Magnus CJ, et al. (2016) Near-Perfect Synaptic Integration by Nav1.7 in Hypothalamic Neurons Regulates Body Weight. Cell. 165: 1749-1761
Henry FE, Sugino K, Tozer A, et al. (2015) Cell type-specific transcriptomics of hypothalamic energy-sensing neuron responses to weight-loss. Elife. 4
Henry FE, Sugino K, Tozer A, et al. (2015) Author response: Cell type-specific transcriptomics of hypothalamic energy-sensing neuron responses to weight-loss Elife
Kohl J, Ng J, Cachero S, et al. (2014) Ultrafast tissue staining with chemical tags. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111: E3805-14
Tozer AJ, Forsythe ID, Steinert JR. (2012) Nitric oxide signalling augments neuronal voltage-gated L-type (Ca(v)1) and P/q-type (Ca(v)2.1) channels in the mouse medial nucleus of the trapezoid body. Plos One. 7: e32256
Kopp-Scheinpflug C, Tozer AJ, Robinson SW, et al. (2011) The sound of silence: ionic mechanisms encoding sound termination. Neuron. 71: 911-25
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