Benoit Chabot

Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada 
Microbiology Biology, Molecular Biology
"Benoit Chabot"
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Shkreta L, Delannoy A, Toutant J, et al. (2024) Regulatory Interplay Between SR Proteins Governs CLK1 Kinase Splice Variants Production. Rna (New York, N.Y.)
Nourreddine S, Lavoie G, Paradis J, et al. (2020) NF45 and NF90 Regulate Mitotic Gene Expression by Competing with Staufen-Mediated mRNA Decay. Cell Reports. 31: 107660
Capelo-Martinez JL, Chabot B, Espiño CL, et al. (2019) Editorial - Splicing and Alternative Splicing. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Deshaies JE, Shkreta L, Moszczynski AJ, et al. (2018) TDP-43 regulates the alternative splicing of hnRNP A1 to yield an aggregation-prone variant in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Brain : a Journal of Neurology
Cloutier A, Shkreta L, Toutant J, et al. (2018) hnRNP A1/A2 and Sam68 collaborate with SRSF10 to control the alternative splicing response to oxaliplatin-mediated DNA damage. Scientific Reports. 8: 2206
Bondy-Chorney E, Baldwin RM, Didillon A, et al. (2017) RNA binding protein RALY promotes Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1 alternatively spliced isoform v2 relative expression and metastatic potential in breast cancer cells. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Sutherland LC, Thibault P, Durand M, et al. (2017) Splicing arrays reveal novel RBM10 targets, including SMN2 pre-mRNA. Bmc Molecular Biology. 18: 19
Deschênes M, Chabot B. (2017) The emerging role of alternative splicing in senescence and aging. Aging Cell
Cloutier P, Poitras C, Durand M, et al. (2017) R2TP/Prefoldin-like component RUVBL1/RUVBL2 directly interacts with ZNHIT2 to regulate assembly of U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein. Nature Communications. 8: 15615
Shkreta L, Blanchette M, Toutant J, et al. (2016) Modulation of the splicing regulatory function of SRSF10 by a novel compound that impairs HIV-1 replication. Nucleic Acids Research
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