Einar Hammarsten

Chemistry Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden 
structure of DNA
"Einar Hammarsten"

(1889 - 1958)
Dissertation: https://archive.org/details/sim_biochemische-zeitschrift-beitraege-zur-chemischen_1924_144/page/n393/mode/2up
"...Die Messungen der Ionenwirkungen auf die relative innere Reibung wurden im Carlsberg-Laboratorium ausgefiihrt, und ich benutze hier die Gelegenheit, Prof. S. P. L. Sérensen fir sein Interesse und seine wertvollen Ratschlige zu danken."

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Soren P. L. Sørensen grad student 1924 Carlsberg Laboratory
 (Zur Kenntnis der biologischen Bedeutung der Nucleinsäureverbindungen.)


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Hugo Theorell grad student 1930 Karolinska
Torsten Teorell grad student 1933 Karolinska
Peter A. Reichard grad student 1949 Karolinska
Tomas Robert Lindahl grad student 1967 Karolinska
David Shemin post-doc 1947 Karolinska
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Eliasson R, Hammarsten E, Lindahl T, et al. (1963) The stability of deoxyribonucleic acid in glycol solution Bba Specialized Section On Nucleic Acids and Related Subjects. 68: 234-239
Eliasson R, Hammarsten E, Lindahl T. (1962) Use of ethylene glycol in counter flow electrophoresis and in cold concentration of DNA and protein solutions Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 4: 53-56
Aksnes G, Hammarsten E, Lindahl T, et al. (1961) Infrared Studies of Some Phosphorus Ylids Containing Oxygen. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 15: 692-694
Eliasson R, Hammarsten E, Lindahl T, et al. (1961) Preliminary Notes on the Separation of Nucleic Acids and Proteins by Counter Flow Electrophoresis. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 15: 570-574
Eliasson R, Hammarsten E, Palmstierna H, et al. (1960) Separation of Nucleic Acids and Protein by Electrophoresis Combined with Counter Flow. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 14: 1212-1213
Dahlqvist A, Edebo L, Hammarsten E, et al. (1959) Specificity of a Purified Hog Intestinal Maltase Fraction. Competitive Activity by Other Substrates. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 13: 2156-2158
Sjoerdsma A, Hanson A, Hammarsten E, et al. (1959) Determination of epsilon-Aminocaproic Acid in Urine by Means of High-Voltage Paper Electrophoresis. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 13: 2150-2151
Komamine A, Virtanen AI, Hammarsten E, et al. (1959) On the Structure of the New Neutral Amino Acid A Isolated from Lactarius helvus. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 13: 2141-2141
Casimir J, Virtanen AI, Hammarsten E, et al. (1959) Isolation of a New Neutral Amino Acid from Lactarius helvus. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 13: 2139-2140
Billaudelle H, Edebo L, Hammarsten E, et al. (1959) Biologically Active Fractions from Haemophilus Pertussis. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 13: 2132-2132
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