Paulo Goes
Affiliations: | University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States |
Marketing Business Administration, Commerce-Business EconomicsGoogle:
"Paulo Goes"Children
Sign in to add traineeGilbert G. Karuga | grad student | 2002 | University of Connecticut |
Anteneh W. Ayanso | grad student | 2004 | University of Connecticut |
Seok-Joo A. Chang | grad student | 2006 | University of Connecticut |
Yanbin Tu | grad student | 2006 | University of Connecticut |
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Wang Y, Goes P, Wei Z, et al. (2019) Production of Online Word-of-Mouth: Peer Effects and the Moderation of User Characteristics Production and Operations Management. 28: 1621-1640 |
Fang X, Sheng ORL, Goes P. (2013) When is the right time to refresh knowledge discovered from data? Operations Research. 61: 32-44 |
Goes PB, Karuga GG, Tripathi AK. (2012) Bidding behavior evolution in sequential auctions: Characterization and analysis Mis Quarterly: Management Information Systems. 36: 1021-1042 |
Bapna R, Goes P, Wei KK, et al. (2011) A finite mixture logit model to segment and predict electronic payments system adoption Information Systems Research. 22: 118-133 |
Goes PB, Karuga GG, Tripathi AK. (2010) Understanding willingness-to-pay formation of repeat bidders in sequential online auctions Information Systems Research. 21: 907-924 |
Chen L, Goes P, Harris W, et al. (2010) Preference markets for innovation ranking and selection Interfaces. 40: 144-153 |
Ghasemkhani H, Goes P, Tripathi A. (2010) Bidders' attrition in online sequential auctions Proceedings of 20th Annual Workshop On Information Technologies and Systems |
Ayanso A, Goes PB, Mehta K. (2009) A cost-based range estimation for mapping top-k selection queries over relational databases Journal of Database Management. 20: 1-25 |
Chen L, Goes P, Marsden J, et al. (2009) Design and use of preference markets for evaluation of early stage technologies Journal of Management Information Systems. 26: 45-70 |
Bapna R, Goes P, Gupta A. (2009) Auctioning vertically integrated online services: Computational approaches for real-time allocation Journal of Management Information Systems. 25: 65-97 |