Jose M. Mejia, Ph.D.

2002 McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
Genetics, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology
"Jose Mejia"
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Roberta Palmour grad student 2002 McGill
 (Monoamine oxidases and aggressive behaviour: Clinical studies and animal models.)
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Mejia J, Ochoa A, Mederos B. (2019) Reconstruction of PET Images Using Cross-Entropy and Field of Experts. Entropy (Basel, Switzerland). 21
Mejia J, Mederos B, Zhao J, et al. (2018) Reconstruction of Positron Emission Tomography Images Using Gaussian Curvature. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2018: 4706165
Burke MW, Fillion M, Mejia J, et al. (2018) Perinatal MAO Inhibition Produces Long-Lasting Impairment of Serotonin Function in Offspring. Brain Sciences. 8
Mejia J, Mederos B, Máynez LO, et al. (2018) Reconstruction of PET Images using Anatomical Adaptive Parameters and hybrid regularization ComputacióN Y Sistemas. 22
Mejia J, Mederos B, Mollineda RA, et al. (2016) Noise Reduction in Small Animal PET Images Using a Variational Non-Convex Functional Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 63: 2577-2585
Domínguez HdJO, Máynez LO, Villegas OOV, et al. (2015) Denoising of high resolution small animal 3D PET data using the non-subsampled Haar wavelet transform Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment. 784: 581-584
Mejia JM, Ochoa Domínguez Hde J, Vergara Villegas OO, et al. (2014) Noise reduction in small-animal PET images using a multiresolution transform. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging. 33: 2010-9
DeYoung CG, Peterson JB, Séguin JR, et al. (2006) The dopamine D4 receptor gene and moderation of the association between externalizing behavior and IQ. Archives of General Psychiatry. 63: 1410-6
Mejia JM, Ervin FR, Baker GB, et al. (2002) Monoamine oxidase inhibition during brain development induces pathological aggressive behavior in mice Biological Psychiatry. 52: 811-822
Mejia JM, Ervin FR, Palmour RM, et al. (2001) Aggressive behavior and Brunner syndrome: no evidence for the C936T mutation in a population sample. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 105: 396-7
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