Hubert Tardieu, Ph.D
Affiliations: | Psychologie | E.P.H.E Paris Descartes |
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Guida A, Tardieu H, Le Bohec O, et al. (2013) Are schemas sufficient to interpret the personalization effect? only if long-term working memory backs up Revue Europeene De Psychologie Appliquee. 63: 99-107 |
Guida A, Gobet F, Tardieu H, et al. (2012) How chunks, long-term working memory and templates offer a cognitive explanation for neuroimaging data on expertise acquisition: a two-stage framework. Brain and Cognition. 79: 221-44 |
Gras D, Tardieu H, Nicolas S. (2012) Predictive inference activation: Interest of a stroop-like task Swiss Journal of Psychology. 71: 141-148 |
Gras D, Tardieu H, Piolino P, et al. (2011) Presentation modality effect on false memories in younger and older adults: the use of an inference paradigm. Memory (Hove, England). 19: 92-102 |
Guida A, Tardieu H, Nicolas S. (2009) Long-term working memory :What is the utility of such a concept? Rise, rivals and impact of Ericsson and Kintsch's (1995) theory | Mémoire de travail à long terme : quelle est l'utilité de ce concept ? Émergence, concurrence et bilan de la théorie d'Ericsson et Kintsch (1995) Annee Psychologique. 109: 83-122 |
Guida A, Tardieu H, Nicolas S. (2009) The personalisation method applied to a working memory task: Evidence of long-term working memory effects European Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 21: 862-896 |
Gras D, Tardieu H, Nicolas S. (2008) [False memories and aging: age effects on predictive inferences]. Psychologie & Neuropsychiatrie Du Vieillissement. 6: 299-307 |
Nicolas S, Tardieu H. (1996) The Generation Effect in a Word-stem Completion Task: The Influence of Conceptual Processes European Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 8: 405-424 |
Brébion G, Ehrlich MF, Tardieu H. (1995) Working memory in older subjects: dealing with ongoing and stored information in language comprehension. Psychological Research. 58: 225-32 |
Ehrlich MF, Brébion J, Tardieu H. (1994) Working-memory capacity and reading comprehension in young and older adults. Psychological Research. 56: 110-5 |