Faisal Naqib

Physiology McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
"Faisal Naqib"
Mean distance: 13.58 (cluster 6)


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Christopher C. Pack grad student 2009- McGill
Wayne S. Sossin grad student 2009-2011 McGill
Edward S. Ruthazer grad student 2011-2014 McGill
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Farah CA, Naqib F, Weatherill DB, et al. (2015) Synapse formation changes the rules for desensitization of PKC translocation in Aplysia. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 41: 328-40
Naqib F, Sossin WS, Farah CA. (2012) Molecular determinants of the spacing effect. Neural Plasticity. 2012: 581291
Naqib F, Farah CA, Pack CC, et al. (2011) The rates of protein synthesis and degradation account for the differential response of neurons to spaced and massed training protocols. Plos Computational Biology. 7: e1002324
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