Alyssa M. Epstein, Ph.D.

2005 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Pharmacology, Physiological Psychology
"Alyssa Epstein"
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Tamara G. Sher grad student 2005 Illinois Institute of Technology
 (Acute alcohol and nicotine interactions in men and women.)
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Vrshek-Schallhorn S, Wolitzky-Taylor K, Doane LD, et al. (2014) Validating new summary indices for the Childhood Trauma Interview: associations with first onsets of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders. Psychological Assessment. 26: 730-40
Uliaszek AA, Zinbarg RE, Mineka S, et al. (2012) A longitudinal examination of stress generation in depressive and anxiety disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 121: 4-15
Craske MG, Wolitzky-Taylor KB, Mineka S, et al. (2012) Elevated responding to safe conditions as a specific risk factor for anxiety versus depressive disorders: evidence from a longitudinal investigation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 121: 315-24
Lewis AR, Zinbarg RE, Mineka S, et al. (2010) The relationship between anxiety sensitivity and latent symptoms of emotional problems: A structural equation modeling approach. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 48: 761-9
Prenoveau JM, Zinbarg RE, Craske MG, et al. (2010) Testing a hierarchical model of anxiety and depression in adolescents: a tri-level model. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 24: 334-44
Roche DJ, Childs E, Epstein AM, et al. (2010) Acute HPA axis response to naltrexone differs in female vs. male smokers. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 35: 596-606
Kircanski K, Craske MG, Epstein AM, et al. (2009) Subtypes of panic attacks: a critical review of the empirical literature. Depression and Anxiety. 26: 878-87
King A, Epstein A, Conrad M, et al. (2009) Sex differences in the relationship between alcohol-associated smoking urge and behavior: a pilot study. The American Journal On Addictions. 17: 347-53
Walsh Z, Epstein A, Munisamy G, et al. (2008) The impact of depressive symptoms on the efficacy of naltrexone in smoking cessation. Journal of Addictive Diseases. 27: 65-72
Epstein AM, Sher TG, Young MA, et al. (2007) Tobacco chippers show robust increases in smoking urge after alcohol consumption. Psychopharmacology. 190: 321-9
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