Junnian Zheng, Ph.D.

2012 Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
Mechanical Engineering
"Junnian Zheng"
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Jerald A. Caton grad student 2012 Texas A & M
 (The potential of using natural gas in HCCI engines: Results from zero- and multi-dimensional simulations.)
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Zheng J, Caton JA. (2012) Second law analysis of a low temperature combustion diesel engine: Effect of injection timing and exhaust gas recirculation Energy. 38: 78-84
Zheng J, Caton JA. (2012) Use of a single-zone thermodynamic model with detailed chemistry to study a natural gas fueled homogeneous charge compression ignition engine Energy Conversion and Management. 53: 298-304
Zheng J, Caton JA. (2012) Effects of operating parameters on nitrogen oxides emissions for a natural gas fueled homogeneous charged compression ignition engine (HCCI): Results from a thermodynamic model with detailed chemistry Applied Energy. 92: 386-394
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