Julie Koenig

learning, memory, place cells, grid cells
"Julie Koenig"
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Brandon MP, Koenig J, Leutgeb JK, et al. (2014) New and distinct hippocampal place codes are generated in a new environment during septal inactivation. Neuron. 82: 789-96
Brandon MP, Koenig J, Leutgeb S. (2014) Parallel and convergent processing in grid cell, head-direction cell, boundary cell, and place cell networks. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science. 5: 207-219
Schlesiger MI, Cressey JC, Boublil B, et al. (2013) Hippocampal activation during the recall of remote spatial memories in radial maze tasks. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 106: 324-33
Koenig J, Linder AN, Leutgeb JK, et al. (2011) The spatial periodicity of grid cells is not sustained during reduced theta oscillations. Science (New York, N.Y.). 332: 592-5
Koenig J, Lecourtier L, Cosquer B, et al. (2011) Spatial memory alterations by activation of septal 5HT 1A receptors: no implication of cholinergic septohippocampal neurons. Psychopharmacology. 214: 437-54
Jeltsch-David H, Koenig J, Cassel JC. (2008) Modulation of cholinergic functions by serotonin and possible implications in memory: general data and focus on 5-HT(1A) receptors of the medial septum. Behavioural Brain Research. 195: 86-97
Koenig J, Cosquer B, Cassel JC. (2008) Activation of septal 5-HT1A receptors alters spatial memory encoding, interferes with consolidation, but does not affect retrieval in rats subjected to a water-maze task. Hippocampus. 18: 99-118
van der Staay FJ, Bouger P, Lehmann O, et al. (2006) Long-term effects of immunotoxic cholinergic lesions in the septum on acquisition of the cone-field task and noncognitive measures in rats. Hippocampus. 16: 1061-79
Koenig J, Lazarus C, Jeltsch H, et al. (2005) MDMA (ecstasy) effects in pubescent rats: Males are more sensitive than females. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 81: 635-44
Cassel JC, Riegert C, Rutz S, et al. (2005) Ethanol, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) and their combination: long-term behavioral, neurochemical and neuropharmacological effects in the rat. Neuropsychopharmacology : Official Publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 30: 1870-82
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