V Scott Solberg

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 
Educational Psychology Education, Personality Psychology
"V Solberg"
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Hayoung Kim grad student 2019- Boston University (EduTree)
Wendy M. Close grad student 2001 UW-Milwaukee
Aaron H. Carlstrom grad student 2004 UW-Milwaukee (EduTree)
Mary E. Becker grad student 2005 UW-Milwaukee
Janice R. Jones grad student 2005 UW-Milwaukee (EduTree)
Edgar X. Jordan grad student 2007 UW-Milwaukee
BETA: Related publications


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Davis A, Solberg VS, de Baca C, et al. (2014) Use of Social Emotional Learning Skills to Predict Future Academic Success and Progress Toward Graduation Journal of Education For Students Placed At Risk. 19: 169-182
Solberg VS, Phelps LA, Haakenson KA, et al. (2012) The Nature and Use of Individualized Learning Plans as a Promising Career Intervention Strategy Journal of Career Development. 39: 500-514
Solberg VS, Howard K, Gresham S, et al. (2012) Quality Learning Experiences, Self-Determination, and Academic Success: A Path Analytic Study Among Youth With Disabilities Career Development For Exceptional Individuals. 35: 85-96
Solberg VS, Kimmel LG, Miller JD. (2012) Pathways to STEMM Support Occupations Peabody Journal of Education. 87: 77-91
Miller JD, Solberg VS. (2012) The Composition of the STEMM Workforce: Rationale for Differentiating STEMM Professional and STEMM Support Careers Peabody Journal of Education. 87: 6-15
Torres JB, Solberg VS, Carlstrom AH. (2002) The myth of sameness among Latino men and their machismo. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 72: 163-81
Torres JB, Solberg VS. (2001) Role of Self-Efficacy, Stress, Social Integration, and Family Support in Latino College Student Persistence and Health Journal of Vocational Behavior. 59: 53-63
Solberg VS. (1998) Assessing career search self-efficacy: Construct evidence and developmental antecedents Journal of Career Assessment. 6: 181-193
Solberg VS, Gusavac N, Hamann T, et al. (1998) The Adaptive Success Identity Plan (ASIP): A Career Intervention for College Students The Career Development Quarterly. 47: 48-95
Solberg VS, Villarreal P. (1997) Examination of self-efficacy, social support, and stress as predictors of psychological and physical distress among hispanic college students Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 19: 182-201
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