Louise Silvern

University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Clinical Psychology
"Louise Silvern"
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Griese B, Burns MR, Farro SA, et al. (2017) Comprehensive grief care for children and families: Policy and practice implications. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 87: 540-548
Silvern L, Griese B. (2012) Multiple Types of Child Maltreatment, Posttraumatic Stress, Dissociative Symptoms, and Reactive Aggression among Adolescent Criminal Offenders Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma. 5: 88-101
Jay Schulz-Heik R, Rhee SH, Silvern L, et al. (2009) Investigation of genetically mediated child effects on maltreatment. Behavior Genetics. 39: 265-76
Moor A, Silvern L. (2006) Identifying pathways linking child abuse to psychological outcome: The mediating role of perceived parental failure of empathy Journal of Emotional Abuse. 6: 91-114
Waelde LC, Silvern L, Fairbank JA. (2005) A taxometric investigation of dissociation in Vietnam veterans. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 18: 359-69
Naar-King S, Silvern L, Ryan V, et al. (2002) Type and severity of abuse as predictors of psychiatric symptoms in adolescence Journal of Family Violence. 17: 133-149
Silvern L, Waelde LC, Baughan BM, et al. (2000) Two formats for eliciting retrospective reports of child sexual and physical abuse: effects on apparent prevalence and relationships to adjustment Child Maltreatment. 5: 236-250
Silvern L, Karyl J, Waelde L, et al. (1995) Retrospective reports of parental partner abuse: Relationships to depression, trauma symptoms and self-esteem among college students Journal of Family Violence. 10: 177-202
wind TW, Silvern L. (1994) Parenting and family stress as mediators of the long-term effects of child abuse Child Abuse and Neglect. 18: 439-453
Waelde LC, Silvern L, Hodges WF. (1994) Stressful life events: Moderators of the relationships of gender and gender roles to self-reported depression and suicidality among college students Sex Roles. 30: 1-22
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