Robert K. Olendorf, Ph.D.

2001 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Zoology Biology, Ecology Biology, Behavioral Psychology
"Robert Olendorf"
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Thomas Getty grad student 2001 Michigan State
 (The evolution and maintenance of cooperation in natural and artificial populations.)
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Olendorf R, Getty T, Scribner K, et al. (2004) Male red-winged blackbirds distrust unreliable and sexually attractive neighbours. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 271: 1033-8
Olendorf R, Getty T, Scribner K. (2004) Cooperative nest defence in red-winged blackbirds: reciprocal altruism, kinship or by-product mutualism? Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 271: 177-82
Olendorf R, Robinson SK. (2000) Effectiveness of nest defence in the Acadian Flycatcher Empidonax Virescens Ibis. 142: 365-371
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