Amanda E. Chisholm, Ph.D.

2012 Rehabilitation Science University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Rehabilitation and Therapy
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William E. McIlroy grad student 2012 University of Toronto
 (Dropped Foot Impairment Post Stroke: Gait Deviations and the Immediate Effects of Ankle-Foot Orthotics and Functional Electrical Stimulation.)
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Chisholm AE, Qaiser T, Lam T. (2015) Neuromuscular control of curved walking in people with stroke: Case report. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 52: 775-84
Chisholm AE, Makepeace S, Inness EL, et al. (2014) Spatial-temporal gait variability poststroke: variations in measurement and implications for measuring change. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 95: 1335-41
Chisholm AE, Perry SD, McIlroy WE. (2013) Correlations between ankle-foot impairments and dropped foot gait deviations among stroke survivors. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol, Avon). 28: 1049-54
Chisholm AE, Perry SD. (2012) Ankle-foot orthotic management in neuromuscular disorders: recommendations for future research. Disability and Rehabilitation. Assistive Technology. 7: 437-49
Chisholm AE, Perry SD, McIlroy WE. (2011) Inter-limb centre of pressure symmetry during gait among stroke survivors. Gait & Posture. 33: 238-43
Chisholm A, Perry S, McIlroy W. (2008) Poster 40: The Relationship Between Center of Pressure Variability and Gait Function Following Stroke Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 89: e38
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