Robert B. Slaney
Affiliations: | Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States |
Personality Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social PsychologyGoogle:
"Robert Slaney"Mean distance: 13358.2
Sign in to add traineeJennifer L. Grzegorek | grad student | 2002 | Penn State |
Esther W. Wright | grad student | 2002 | Penn State |
Kimberlyn R. Watson | grad student | 2004 | Penn State |
Jaime M. Fenton | grad student | 2005 | Penn State |
Julissa Senices | grad student | 2006 | Penn State |
Bindu Methikalam | grad student | 2008 | Penn State |
Eleonora Odes | grad student | 2008 | Penn State |
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Methikalam B, Wang KT, Slaney RB, et al. (2015) Asian values, personal and family perfectionism, and mental health among Asian Indians in the United States. Asian American Journal of Psychology. 6: 223 |
Ortega NE, Wang KT, Slaney RB, et al. (2014) Personal and familial aspects of perfectionism in Latino/a students Counseling Psychologist. 42: 406-427 |
Ulu IP, Tezer E, Slaney RB. (2012) Investigation of adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism with Turkish Almost Perfect Scale-Revised. Psychological Reports. 110: 1007-20 |
Patterson RE, Wang KT, Slaney RB. (2012) Multidimensional perfectionism, depression and relational health in women with eating disturbances. Eating Behaviors. 13: 226-32 |
Elion AA, Wang KT, Slaney RB, et al. (2012) Perfectionism in African American students: relationship to racial identity, GPA, self-esteem, and depression. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 18: 118-27 |
Ashby JS, Slaney RB, Noble CM, et al. (2012) Differences between "Normal" and "Neurotic" Perfectionists: Implications for Mental Health Counselors Journal of Mental Health Counseling. 34: 322-340 |
Wang KT, Puri R, Slaney RB, et al. (2012) Cultural Validity of Perfectionism Among Indian Students Examining Personal and Family Aspects Through a Collectivistic Perspective Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development. 45: 32-48 |
Wang KT, Yuen M, Slaney RB. (2009) Perfectionism, Depression, Loneliness, and Life Satisfaction: A Study of High School Students in Hong Kong The Counseling Psychologist. 37: 249-274 |
Rice KG, Ashby JS, Slaney RB. (2007) Perfectionism and the five-factor model of personality. Assessment. 14: 385-98 |
Wang KT, Slaney RB, Rice KG. (2007) Perfectionism in Chinese university students from Taiwan: A study of psychological well-being and achievement motivation Personality and Individual Differences. 42: 1279-1290 |