Zachary E. Stine, Ph.D.

2011 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
Genetics, Molecular Biology
"Zachary Stine"
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Andrew S. McCallion grad student 2011 Johns Hopkins
 (Extrapolation from the gut: Exploring the regulatory control of pleiotropic expression of enteric crest genes.)
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Supplee JG, Affronti HC, Duan R, et al. (2024) ACLY alternative splicing correlates with cancer phenotypes. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 107418
Dias MM, Adamoski D, Dos Reis LM, et al. (2019) GLS2 is protumorigenic in breast cancers. Oncogene
Altman BJ, Hsieh AL, Sengupta A, et al. (2015) MYC Disrupts the Circadian Clock and Metabolism in Cancer Cells. Cell Metabolism. 22: 1009-19
Xiang Y, Stine ZE, Xia J, et al. (2015) Targeted inhibition of tumor-specific glutaminase diminishes cell-autonomous tumorigenesis. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 125: 2293-306
Burzynski GM, Reed X, Taher L, et al. (2012) Systematic elucidation and in vivo validation of sequences enriched in hindbrain transcriptional control. Genome Research. 22: 2278-89
Stine ZE, McGaughey DM, Bessling SL, et al. (2011) Steroid hormone modulation of RET through two estrogen responsive enhancers in breast cancer. Human Molecular Genetics. 20: 3746-56
Stine ZE, Huynh JL, Loftus SK, et al. (2009) Oligodendroglial and pan-neural crest expression of Cre recombinase directed by Sox10 enhancer. Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000). 47: 765-70
McGaughey DM, Stine ZE, Huynh JL, et al. (2009) Asymmetrical distribution of non-conserved regulatory sequences at PHOX2B is reflected at the ENCODE loci and illuminates a possible genome-wide trend Bmc Genomics. 10
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