Anouk Lamontagne, Ph.D.

McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada 
"Anouk Lamontagne"
Mean distance: 18.04 (cluster 17)
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Liu LY, Sangani S, Patterson KK, et al. (2024) Application of an Auditory-Based Feedback Distortion to Modify Gait Symmetry in Healthy Individuals. Brain Sciences. 14
Villeneuve M, Ogourtsova T, Deblock-Bellamy A, et al. (2023) Development of a virtual reality-based intervention for community walking post stroke: an integrated knowledge translation approach. Disability and Rehabilitation. 1-11
Chen TJ, Dion Parenteau ML, Marchand K, et al. (2023) A Pilot Study to Assess Visual Vertigo in People with Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness with a New Computer-Based Tool. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 12
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Bernaerts S, De Witte NAJ, Van der Auwera V, et al. (2022) Rehabilitation Supported by Technology: Protocol for an International Cocreation and User Experience Study. Jmir Research Protocols. 11: e34537
Deblock-Bellamy A, Lamontagne A, Blanchette AK. (2020) Cognitive-Locomotor Dual-Task Interference in Stroke Survivors and the Influence of the Tasks: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Neurology. 11: 882
Fiset F, Lamontagne A, McFadyen BJ. (2020) Limb movements of another pedestrian affect crossing distance but not path planning during virtual over ground circumvention. Neuroscience Letters. 135278
Ghai S, Ghai I, Lamontagne A. (2020) Virtual reality training enhances gait poststroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Esmaeili V, Juneau A, Dyer JO, et al. (2020) Intense and unpredictable perturbations during gait training improve dynamic balance abilities in chronic hemiparetic individuals: a randomized controlled pilot trial. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 17: 79
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