Stephanie H. Greenstein, Ph.D.

2000 Rush University, Chicago, IL, United States 
Cell Biology, Immunology
"Stephanie Greenstein"
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Bill Hendey grad student 2000 Rush University
 (Effects of Fas receptor stimulation on neutrophil adhesion: Regulation of beta2 integrins by PKC-delta.)
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Hendey B, Zhu CL, Greenstein S. (2002) Fas activation opposes PMA-stimulated changes in the localization of PKCδ: a mechanism for reducing neutrophil adhesion to endothelial cells Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 71: 863-870
Greenstein S, Barnard J, Zhou K, et al. (2000) Fas activation reduces neutrophil adhesion to endothelial cells. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 68: 715-722
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