Chitra Venugopal, Ph.D.

2008 Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States 
Neuroscience Biology
"Chitra Venugopal"
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Kumar Sambamurti grad student 2008 MUSC
 (Amyloid precursor protein metabolism and Alzheimer's disease.)
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Hegde ML, Bharathi P, Suram A, et al. (2009) Challenges associated with metal chelation therapy in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 17: 457-68
Venugopal C, Demos CM, Rao KS, et al. (2008) Beta-secretase: structure, function, and evolution. Cns & Neurological Disorders Drug Targets. 7: 278-94
Zhou Y, Suram A, Venugopal C, et al. (2008) Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate stimulates gamma-secretase to increase the generation of Abeta and APP-CTFgamma. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology. 22: 47-54
Sambamurti K, Prakasam A, Jayachandran AD, et al. (2008) P1-412: Isoprenoids phenocopy familial Alzheimer's disease mutations and regulate gamma-secretase Alzheimer's & Dementia. 4: T340-T340
Venugopal C, Pappolla MA, Sambamurti K. (2007) Insulysin cleaves the APP cytoplasmic fragment at multiple sites. Neurochemical Research. 32: 2225-34
Suram A, Venugopal C, Prakasam A, et al. (2006) Genotoxicity in Alzheimer's disease: role of amyloid. Current Alzheimer Research. 3: 365-75
Sambamurti K, Suram A, Venugopal C, et al. (2006) A partial failure of membrane protein turnover may cause Alzheimer's disease: a new hypothesis. Current Alzheimer Research. 3: 81-90
Sambamurti K, Prakasam A, Anitha S, et al. (2006) P2-417: Oral phenserine tartrate treatment is associated with reduced plasma Abeta 1-42 in a phase I clinical study Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2: S369-S370
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