Mark Plonsky, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Wisconsin Stevens Point |
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"Mark Plonsky"Mean distance: 17.25 (cluster 8) | S | N | B | C | P |
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Sign in to add traineeBrian Rounds Metcalf | research assistant | 1983-1987 | University of Wisconsin Stevens Point |
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Plonsky M, Rosellini RA. (1986) The Effects of a Pretrained Excitatory Stimulus on Schedule-Induced Polydipsia in the Rat The Psychological Record. 36: 387-397 |
Warren DA, Rosellini RA, Plonsky M, et al. (1985) Learned helplessness and immunization: sensitivity to response-reinforcer independence in immunized rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 11: 576-90 |
Warren DA, Rosellini RA, Plonsky M. (1985) Regularity of Inescapable Shock Duration Affects Behavioral Topography, but not Shuttle Escape Performance The Psychological Record. 35: 227-238 |
Plonsky M, Driscoll CD, Rosellini RA. (1985) Polydipsia on Fixed and Variable Time Schedules as a Function of Signal Condition in the Rat The Psychological Record. 35: 221-226 |
Rosellini RA, DeCola JP, Plonsky M, et al. (1984) Uncontrollable shock proactively increases sensitivity to response-reinforcer independence in rats. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes. 10: 346-59 |
Plonsky M, Warren DA, Rosellini RA. (1984) The effects of inescapable shock on appetitive motivation Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 22: 229-231 |
Plonsky M, Driscoll CD, Warren DA, et al. (1984) Do random time schedules induce polydipsia in the rat? Animal Learning & Behavior. 12: 355-362 |
Plonsky M, Rosellini RA. (1983) MEANCALC: A BASIC program to calculate means and standard errors for a wide variety of designs Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation. 15: 469-470 |
Plonsky M, Freeman PR. (1982) The effects of methadone on the social behavior and activity of the rat. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 16: 569-71 |
Riley EP, Plonsky M, Rosellini RA. (1982) Acquisition of an unsignalled avoidance task in rats exposed to alcohol prenatally. Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology. 4: 525-30 |