Gwen E. Gustafson

University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States 
Developmental Psychology
"Gwen Gustafson"
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Gustafson GE, Bisson JB, MacDonald JM, et al. (2017) Affective reactivity to cry sounds predicts young women's reactivity and behavior in a simulated caregiving task. Infant Behavior & Development
Gustafson GE, Sanborn SM, Lin H, et al. (2017) Newborns' Cries are Unique to Individuals (But Not to Language Environment) Infancy. 22: 736-747
Chen X, Green JA, Gustafson GE. (2009) Development of Vocal Protests From 3 to 18 Months. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies. 14: 44-59
Wood RM, Gustafson GE. (2001) Infant crying and adults' anticipated caregiving responses: acoustic and contextual influences. Child Development. 72: 1287-300
Green JA, Gustafson GE, McGhie AC. (1998) Changes in Infants' Cries as a Function of Time in a Cry Bout Child Development. 69: 271-279
Wood RM, Gustafson GE. (1998) Effects of temporal variation in acoustics on adults' proposed responses to infant crying Infant Behavior & Development. 21: 765
Gustafson GE, Green JA. (1998) Perceiving the causes of infant crying Infant Behavior & Development. 21: 221
Irwin JR, Green JA, Gustafson GE, et al. (1996) The role of the face in perception of infant sounds: A first look Infant Behavior & Development. 19: 523
Green JA, Gustafson GE, Irwin JR, et al. (1995) Infant crying: Acoustics, perception and communication Early Development and Parenting. 4: 161-175
Gustafson GE, Green JA, Cleland JW. (1994) Robustness of individual identity in the cries of human infants. Developmental Psychobiology. 27: 1-9
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