Norman Amundson
Affiliations: | University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
Social Psychology, Criminology and PenologyGoogle:
"Norman Amundson"Children
Sign in to add traineeMatthew H. Logan | grad student | 2001 | UBC |
Angela S. Post | grad student | 2001 | UBC |
Jonathan D. McVicar | grad student | 2005 | UBC |
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Yoon HJ, Bailey N, Amundson N, et al. (2019) The effect of a career development programme based on the Hope-Action Theory: Hope to Work for refugees in British Columbia British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 47: 6-19 |
Crucil C, Amundson N. (2017) Throwing a Wrench in the Work(s): Using Multicultural and Social Justice Competency to Develop a Social Justice–Oriented Employment Counseling Toolbox Journal of Employment Counseling. 54: 2-11 |
Bennett A, Amundson N. (2016) The Need for Dynamic Models of Career Development for Transitioning Offenders Journal of Employment Counseling. 53: 60-70 |
Stevens AM, Amundson N. (2008) The Experience of Career for People Who Have Moved into Supervisory and Management Roles in a Social Service Organization. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. 42: 159-173 |
Amundson N. (2006) Challenges for Career Interventions in Changing Contexts International Journal For Educational and Vocational Guidance. 6: 3-14 |
Amundson N. (2005) The Potential Impact of Global Changes in Work for Career Theory and Practice International Journal For Educational and Vocational Guidance. 5: 91-99 |
Amundson N. (1997) Myths, Metaphors, and Moxie: The 3Ms of Career Counseling. Journal of Employment Counseling. 34: 76-84 |
Klein H, Amundson N, Borgen W. (1992) The Dynamics of Unemployment for Social Assistance Recipients Journal of Employment Counseling. 29: 88-94 |