Heather A. Ferris, Ph.D.

2005 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Molecular Biology
"Heather Ferris"
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Margaret A. Shupnik grad student 2005 UVA
 (GnRH signaling and LHbeta gene transcription: Modulation of promoter activity by signaling pathways and transcription factor occupancy.)
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Cai W, Xue C, Sakaguchi M, et al. (2018) Insulin regulates astrocyte gliotransmission and modulates behavior. The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Fukui K, Ferris HA, Kahn CR. (2015) Effect of Cholesterol Reduction on Receptor Signaling in Neurons. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 290: 26383-92
Kleinridders A, Ferris HA, Cai W, et al. (2014) Insulin action in brain regulates systemic metabolism and brain function. Diabetes. 63: 2232-43
Ferris HA, Walsh HE, Stevens J, et al. (2007) Luteinizing hormone beta promoter stimulation by adenylyl cyclase and cooperation with gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1 in transgenic mice and LBetaT2 Cells. Biology of Reproduction. 77: 1073-80
Ferris HA, Shupnik MA. (2006) Mechanisms for pulsatile regulation of the gonadotropin subunit genes by GNRH1. Biology of Reproduction. 74: 993-8
Curtin D, Ferris HA, Häkli M, et al. (2004) Small nuclear RING finger protein stimulates the rat luteinizing hormone-beta promoter by interacting with Sp1 and steroidogenic factor-1 and protects from androgen suppression. Molecular Endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.). 18: 1263-76
Haisenleder DJ, Ferris HA, Shupnik MA. (2003) The calcium component of gonadotropin-releasing hormone-stimulated luteinizing hormone subunit gene transcription is mediated by calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II. Endocrinology. 144: 2409-16
Tapia JA, Ferris HA, Jensen RT, et al. (1999) Cholecystokinin activates PYK2/CAKbeta by a phospholipase C-dependent mechanism and its association with the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway in pancreatic acinar cells. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 274: 31261-71
Ferris HA, Tapia JA, García LJ, et al. (1999) CCKA receptor activation stimulates p130(Cas) tyrosine phosphorylation, translocation, and association with Crk in rat pancreatic acinar cells. Biochemistry. 38: 1497-508
Ferris HA, Carroll RE, Rasenick MM, et al. (1997) Constitutive activation of the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor expressed by the nonmalignant human colon epithelial cell line NCM460 Journal of Clinical Investigation. 100: 2530-2537
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