Douglas H. Wedell

University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 
Social Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology
"Douglas Wedell"
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Hayes WM, Wedell DH. (2022) Reinforcement learning in and out of context: The effects of attentional focus. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition
Wedell DH, Hayes WM, Verma M. (2022) Context effects on choice under cognitive load. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
Gao C, Wedell DH, Shinkareva SV. (2020) Crossmodal negativity bias in semantic processing. Emotion (Washington, D.C.)
Kim J, Weber CE, Gao C, et al. (2020) A study in affect: Predicting valence from fMRI data. Neuropsychologia. 107473
Gao C, Weber CE, Wedell DH, et al. (2020) An fMRI Study of Affective Congruence across Visual and Auditory Modalities. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-12
Wedell DH, Hayes WM, Kim J. (2020) Context effects on reproduced magnitudes from short-term and long-term memory. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
Hayes WM, Wedell DH, Rashotte MA. (2019) Context effects in reproduction and perception of song tempo. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance
Gao C, Baucom LB, Kim J, et al. (2019) Distinguishing abstract from concrete concepts in supramodal brain regions. Neuropsychologia
Gao C, Wedell DH, Green JJ, et al. (2018) Temporal Dynamics of Audiovisual Affective Processing. Biological Psychology
Kim J, Wedell DH, Shinkareva SV. (2018) Identification of task sets within and across stimulus modalities. Neuropsychologia
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