Thomas Schill

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 
Clinical Psychology, Psychometrics Psychology
"Thomas Schill"
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Schill T. (1997) A validity study of the MMPI-TRI Acting-out Scale. Psychological Reports. 81: 959-62
Schill T, Sparenberg J. (1997) Relationships Between Schill'S Self-Defeating Personality Scale And Coolidge'S Personality Disorders Inventory ' Psychological Reports. 80: 735-738
Schill T. (1996) Self-Defeating Personality, Argumentativeness, and Assertive Self-Statements: Psychological Reports. 79: 1103-1106
Schill T, Michels J. (1996) Are Childhood Misbehavior and Physical Illness Factors in the Development of Self-Defeating Personality Perceptual and Motor Skills. 83: 848-850
Viviano TF, Schill T. (1996) Relation of reports of sexual abuse to scores on Self Defeating Personality Scale. Psychological Reports. 79: 615-7
Schill T. (1995) Social Skills of Persons with Self-Defeating Personality: Psychological Reports. 77: 632-634
Sharp M, Schill T. (1995) Chronic self-destructiveness and self-defeating personality: similarities and differences. Journal of Personality Assessment. 64: 270-278
Kisler V, Schill T. (1995) Relation among self-defeating personality, troubled eating patterns, and dissociation. Psychological Reports. 76: 780-782
Schill T, Sharp M. (1995) Self-Defeating Personality And Depression: A Closer Look Psychological Reports. 76: 1167-1170
Schill T, Sharp M. (1994) Self-Defeating Personality, Depression, and Pleasure from Activities Psychological Reports. 74: 680-682
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