Lily D. McNair
Affiliations: | University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States |
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Sign in to add collaboratorHelen A. Neville | collaborator | 1996-1996 | (Culture, Race and Ethnicity Tree) |
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Murry VM, McNair LD, Myers SS, et al. (2014) Intervention Induced Changes in Perceptions of Parenting and Risk Opportunities Among Rural African American Journal of Child and Family Studies. 23: 422-436 |
Forehand R, Armistead L, Long N, et al. (2007) Efficacy of a parent-based sexual-risk prevention program for African American preadolescents: a randomized controlled trial. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. 161: 1123-9 |
Murry VM, Brody GH, McNair LD, et al. (2005) Parental involvement promotes rural African American youths' self-pride and sexual self-concepts Journal of Marriage and Family. 67: 627-642 |
Brody GH, Murry VM, McNair L, et al. (2005) Linking changes in parenting to parent-child relationship quality and youth self-control: The strong African American families program Journal of Research On Adolescence. 15: 47-69 |
Brody GH, Murry VM, Gerrard M, et al. (2004) The Strong African American Families Program: translating research into prevention programming. Child Development. 75: 900-17 |
McNair LD, Prather CM. (2004) African American women and AIDS: Factors influencing risk and reaction to HIV disease Journal of Black Psychology. 30: 106-123 |
Collins RL, McNair LD. (2002) Minority women and alcohol use. Alcohol Research & Health : the Journal of the National Institute On Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. 26: 251-6 |
Luscher KA, Corbin WR, Bernat JA, et al. (2002) Predictors of graduate student attitudes toward prescription privileges for psychologists. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 58: 783-92 |
Wilson AE, Calhoun KS, McNair LD. (2002) Alcohol Consumption and Expectancies Among Sexually Coercive College Men Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 17: 1145-1159 |
Corbin WR, McNair LD, Carter JA. (2001) Evaluation of a treatment-appropriate cognitive intervention for challenging alcohol outcome expectancies Addictive Behaviors. 26: 475-488 |