Gerard P. Baerends
Affiliations: | University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands |
"Gerard Baerends"Bio:
(1916 - 1999)
Mean distance: 15.49 (cluster 12) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Evolution Tree - Animal Behavior Tree
Sign in to add mentorNikolaas (Niko) Tinbergen | grad student | 1941 | Leiden (Primatology Tree) | |
(Fortpflanzungsverhalten und Orientierung der Grabwespe Ammophila campestris Jur.) |
Sign in to add traineeHenk Postma | grad student | 1954 | RUG (Chemistry Tree) |
Leendert de Ruiter | grad student | 1955 | RUG |
Miles H. A. Keenleyside | grad student | 1955 | RUG (Evolution Tree) |
Pieter Reinier Wiepkema | grad student | 1961 | RUG |
Jaap Kruijt | grad student | 1964 | RUG |
Rudi H. Drent | grad student | 1967 | RUG (Evolution Tree) |
BETA: Related publications
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Baerends GP. (1993) A comparative study of stimulus selection in the filial following response of fry of substrate spawning cichlid fish Behaviour. 125: 79-155 |
Baerends GP, Drent RH. (1982) The herring gull and its egg. Part II. The responsiveness to egg- features. Behaviour. 82: xiii + 1-416 |
Baerends GP, De Ruiter L. (1960) L. TINBERGEN THE DYNAMICS OF INSECT AND BIRD POPULATIONS IN PINE WOODS Archives NĂ©Erlandaises De Zoologie. 13: 255-264 |