Margaret S. Schomaker, Ph.D.

2006 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Management Business Administration
"Margaret Schomaker"
Mean distance: 19430.2


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Srilata Zaheer grad student 2006 UMN
 (Knowledge transfer in multinational enterprises: A language and information processing view.)
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Schomaker MS, Zaheer S. (2014) The Role of Language in Knowledge Transfer to Geographically Dispersed Manufacturing Operations Journal of International Management. 20: 55-72
Zaheer S, Schomaker MS, Nachum L. (2012) Distance without direction: Restoring credibility to a much-loved construct Journal of International Business Studies. 43: 18-27
Zaheer S, Schomaker M, Genc M. (2003) Identity Versus Culture in Mergers of Equals European Management Journal. 21: 185-191
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