Talya N. Bauer
Affiliations: | Portland State University, Portland, OR, United States |
Marketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Industrial PsychologyGoogle:
"Talya Bauer"Mean distance: 35622
Sign in to add mentorMichael A. Campion | grad student | Purdue | |
Stephen G. Green | grad student | Purdue |
Sign in to add traineeTimothy Oxendahl | research assistant | Portland State University | |
Deborah K. Ford | grad student | Portland State University | |
Layla Mansfield | grad student | Portland State University | |
Gila G. Ben-Rechav | grad student | 2000 | Portland State University |
Rudolph J. Sanchez | grad student | 2002 | Portland State University |
Allison Ellis | post-doc | Portland State University |
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McCarthy JM, Truxillo DM, Bauer TN, et al. (2021) Distressed and distracted by COVID-19 during high-stakes virtual interviews: The role of job interview anxiety on performance and reactions. The Journal of Applied Psychology. 106: 1103-1117 |
Olson R, Rice SPM, Mansfield LR, et al. (2021) Bus Operators' Body Weight Changes during their First 2 Years of Work: A Retrospective Survey. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine |
Luksyte A, Bauer TN, Debus ME, et al. (2020) Perceived Overqualification and Collectivism Orientation: Implications for Work and Nonwork Outcomes: Journal of Management. 14920632094860 |
Arnold JD, Iddekinge CHV, Campion MC, et al. (2020) Welcome Back? Job Performance and Turnover of Boomerang Employees Compared to Internal and External Hires: Journal of Management. 14920632093633 |
Erdogan B, Karakitapoğlu‐Aygün Z, Caughlin DE, et al. (2020) Employee overqualification and manager job insecurity: Implications for employee career outcomes Human Resource Management |
Bauer TN, Perrot S, Liden RC, et al. (2019) Understanding the consequences of newcomer proactive behaviors: The moderating contextual role of servant leadership Journal of Vocational Behavior. 112: 356-368 |
Kudret S, Erdogan B, Bauer TN. (2019) Self-monitoring personality trait at work: An integrative narrative review and future research directions Journal of Organizational Behavior. 40: 193-208 |
Erdogan B, Karaeminogullari A, Bauer TN, et al. (2018) Perceived Overqualification at Work: Implications for Extra-Role Behaviors and Advice Network Centrality Journal of Management. 46: 583-606 |
Simon LS, Bauer TN, Erdogan B, et al. (2018) Built to last: Interactive effects of perceived overqualification and proactive personality on new employee adjustment Personnel Psychology. 72: 213-240 |
Karaeminogullari A, Erdogan B, Bauer TN. (2018) Biting the hand that heals: mistreatment by patients and the well-being of healthcare workers Personnel Review. 47: 572-591 |