Glenn E. Good, Ph.D.

"Glenn Good"
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Alfred GC, Hammer JH, Good GE. (2014) Male student veterans: Hardiness, psychological well-being, and masculine norms Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 15: 95-99
Mahalik JR, Good GE, Tager D, et al. (2012) Developing a taxonomy of helpful and harmful practices for clinical work with boys and men. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 59: 591-603
Chao RC, Wei M, Good GE, et al. (2011) Race/ethnicity, color-blind racial attitudes, and multicultural counseling competence: the moderating effects of multicultural counseling training. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 58: 72-82
Good GE, Robertson JM. (2010) To accept a pilot? Addressing men's ambivalence and altering their expectancies about therapy. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.). 47: 306-15
Wade JC, Good GE. (2010) Moving toward mainstream: perspectives on enhancing therapy with men. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.). 47: 273-5
Hammer JH, Good GE. (2010) Positive Psychology: An Empirical Examination of Beneficial Aspects of Endorsement of Masculine Norms Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 11: 303-318
Tager D, Good GE, Brammer S. (2010) "Walking Over 'Em": An Exploration of Relations Between Emotion Dysregulation, Masculine Norms, and Intimate Partner Abuse in a Clinical Sample of Men Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 11: 233-239
Goode-Cross DT, Good GE. (2009) Managing Multiple-Minority Identities: African American Men Who Have Sex With Men at Predominately White Universities Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. 2: 103-112
Rochlen AB, Good GE, Carver TA. (2009) Predictors of Gender-Related Barriers, Work, and Life Satisfaction Among Men in Nursing Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 10: 44-56
Goode-Cross DT, Good GE. (2008) African American Men Who Have Sex With Men: Creating Safe Spaces Through Relationships Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 9: 221-234
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