Paula J. Schwanenflugel

University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
Educational Psychology Education, Reading Education, Cognitive Psychology
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Schwanenflugel PJ, Benjamin RG. (2017) Lexical Prosody as an Aspect of Oral Reading Fluency. Reading and Writing. 30: 143-162
Weimer AA, Parault Dowds SJ, Fabricius WV, et al. (2016) Development of constructivist theory of mind from middle childhood to early adulthood and its relation to social cognition and behavior. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 154: 28-45
Lai SA, Schwanenflugel PJ. (2016) Validating the Use of D for Measuring Lexical Diversity in Low-Income Kindergarten Children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. 1-11
Zheng G, Schwanenflugel PJ, Rogers SM. (2016) Emergent Motivation to Read in Prekindergarten Children Reading Psychology. 37: 392-423
Schwanenflugel PJ, Westmoreland MR, Benjamin RG. (2015) Reading fluency skill and the prosodic marking of linguistic focus Reading and Writing. 28: 9-30
Lai SA, Benjamin RG, Schwanenflugel PJ, et al. (2014) The Longitudinal Relationship between Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension Skills in Second-Grade Children. Reading & Writing Quarterly. 30: 116-138
Mira WA, Schwanenflugel PJ. (2013) The impact of reading expressiveness on the listening comprehension of storybooks by prekindergarten children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. 44: 183-94
Drumhiller MF, Schwanenflugel PJ. (2013) Influence of Native Language Vocabulary and Topic Knowledge on Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning in Health Care Providers Sage Open. 3: 2158244013487913
Yanosky DJ, Schwanenflugel PJ, Kamphaus RW. (2013) Psychometric Properties of a Proposed Short Form of the BASC Teacher Rating Scale-Preschool Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 31: 351-362
Bolaños D, Cole RA, Ward WH, et al. (2013) Human and automated assessment of oral reading fluency Journal of Educational Psychology. 105: 1142-1151
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