Jerrold M. Post

The George Washington University, Washington, DC, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Women's Studies
"Jerrold Post"
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Post JM. (2015) Terrorism and right-wing extremism: the changing face of terrorism and political violence in the 21st century: the virtual community of hatred. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy. 65: 242-71
Post JM, McGinnis C, Moody K. (2014) The changing face of terrorism in the 21st century: the communications revolution and the virtual community of hatred. Behavioral Sciences & the Law. 32: 306-34
Weine SM, Henderson S, Shanfield S, et al. (2013) Building Community Resilience to Counter Violent Extremism Democracy and Security. 9: 327-333
Post JM. (2013) Transformative Political Leadership: Making a Difference in the Developing World by Robert I. Rotberg. Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press, 2012. 216 pp. Paper, $25.00. Political Science Quarterly. 128: 351-351
Stoddard FJ, Gold J, Henderson SW, et al. (2011) Psychiatry and terrorism. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 199: 537-43
Post JM, Panis LK. (2011) Crimes of obedience: "groupthink" at abu ghraib. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy. 61: 48-66
Post JM. (2010) "When hatred is bred in the bone:" the social psychology of terrorism. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1208: 15-23
Post JM. (2010) Bio-psychosocial foundations of contemporary terrorism. Psychiatry. 73: 244-7
Post JM, Ali F, Henderson SW, et al. (2009) The psychology of suicide terrorism. Psychiatry. 72: 13-31
Post JM. (2009) Reframing of martyrdom and jihad and the socialization of suicide terrorists Political Psychology. 30: 381-385
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