Joan Durrant
Affiliations: | University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada |
Public Health, Social PsychologyGoogle:
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Afifi TO, Salmon S, Stewart-Tufescu A, et al. (2022) Associations between spanking beliefs and reported spanking among adolescents-parent/caregiver dyads in a Canadian sample. Bmc Public Health. 22: 493 |
Heilmann A, Mehay A, Watt RG, et al. (2021) Physical punishment and child outcomes: a narrative review of prospective studies. Lancet (London, England) |
Durrant JE, Stewart-Tufescu A, Afifi TO. (2019) Recognizing the child's right to protection from physical violence: An update on progress and a call to action. Child Abuse & Neglect. 104297 |
Gonzalez M, Ateah CA, Durrant JE, et al. (2019) The Impact of the Triple P Seminar Series on Canadian Parents’ Use of Physical Punishment, Non-Physical Punishment and Non-Punitive Responses Behaviour Change. 36: 102-120 |
Durrant JE, Acar E, McNeil J, et al. (2018) PREDICTING ADULTS’ APPROVAL OF PHYSICAL PUNISHMENT FROM THEIR PERCEPTIONS OF THEIR CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies. 8: 127 |
Holden GW, Grogan-Kaylor A, Durrant JE, et al. (2017) Researchers Deserve a Better Critique: Response to. Marriage & Family Review. 53: 465-490 |
Durrant JE, Fallon B, Lefebvre R, et al. (2017) Defining reasonable force: Does it advance child protection? Child Abuse & Neglect |
Gershoff ET, Lee SJ, Durrant JE. (2017) Promising intervention strategies to reduce parents' use of physical punishment. Child Abuse & Neglect |
Durrant J, Plateau DP, Ateah CA, et al. (2017) Parents’ views of the relevance of a violence prevention program in high, medium, and low human development contexts International Journal of Behavioral Development. 41: 523-531 |
Piché G, Huỳnh C, Clément M, et al. (2016) Predicting externalizing and prosocial behaviors in children from parental use of corporal punishment Infant and Child Development. 26: e2006 |